It Is Written

This is the journey of an aspiring writer! Follow me as I find my voice and explore the world of publication.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Writing without a computer

    My computer decided to retire without telling me, so for the next few weeks I fear I will be without one at home.  This means I'll have to find time at work during lunch hour or breaks to squeeze in some writing.  As a writer of the modern age, I've always typed out my stories.  I wrote a few stories by hand when I was a kid, but mostly all my writing has been done on a computer.  You can imagine how difficult it is to write without access to one.  I'm hoping this doesn't put me too far behind the game, as I was hoping to have a finished rough draft by the end of May.  I guess I better go computer shopping! 
    It's also hard to keep up on all my online activities, such as following blogs and participating in sites such as Facebook and Twitter without a computer.  Luckily, just before my computer retired I read the e-mail newsletter I recieve monthly from the Nelson Literary Agency, which projected dystopian and futuristic fiction as the new, hot YA trends that should be hitting shelves in about 4-6 months.  I was pretty excited to hear that the book I'm working on  hits the trend right on the head and should be ready to submit by the time the trend really takes off.  And now, the search for a new computer begins!

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